Bio-Based Products: Sustainable Performance Without Compromise
+ Self-produced Epichlorohydrin with biobased Glycerin as starting material
+ Upcycling
- The bio-based glycerin used by LEUNA-Harze GmbH for epichlorohydrin synthesis is a by-product of biodiesel production and is primarily derived from waste oils, leftover cooking fats from large kitchens, rapeseed oil, and other vegetable oils
+ No mass balancing
- Separated production line and storage tanks for Epilox® G-series
- No mixing with conventionally produced Epilox® products, hence no mass balancing for the biobased component
+ No difference in quality compared to conventional Epilox® products
+ Same performance, mechanical properties, chemical resistance, and processability
- 1:1 replacement in production and application is possible
Life-Cycle Assessment
„Übersichts-Treibhausgasbilanz von Epoxidharzen und Reaktivverdünnern“(Greenhouse Gas Overview for Epoxy Resins and Reactive Diluent), Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg (Ifeu), 2023. Commissioned by LEUNA-Harze GmbH in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14040/14044
+ Reduction in CO2 emissions during the production of biobased products
+ Already comparatively low CO2 emissions for conventionally produced Epilox® products due to facility and technology optimization
+ Plans to use renewable energy for further CO2 emission reduction
- Objective: By 2035 at the latest, exclusive use of renewable energy (wind and solar) in production